Ready, Set…Read! The Post Public Library has lots of reading fun planned for all ages this summer. The summer kick-off is Wednesday June 1. Come to the library at 1:30 to register, sign your summer reading contract and get your book bag where inside you’ll find your summer reading log, book marks, and spirit sticks! Yes – colorful, fun spirit sticks to collect. Every time you return a library book during the summer you’ll receive another spirit stick. Wonder who will earn the most?
Each Wednesday in June at 1:30 p.m. a children’s author will be in the library. Every time you attend one of these special story times you get to choose a free book to take home.
Each Wednesday in July at 1:30 p.m. there will be a story time for readers through 2nd grade and Brain Quest for 3rd graders up.
All of this summer reading fun is at the Post Public Library, 105 E. Main St. in Post. Call 806-990-2149 for more information. The Summer Reading Program is sponsored by the Post Public Library, Caprock Cultural Association and partially funded by the Post-Garza County Endowment.